- Booking
After confirmation of the booking by the guests, we will keep the booked room or holiday apartment available for you. Guests are obliged to pay the agreed or customary price for the period of the booking. We are entitled to require a deposit. - Cancellation
Every booking is binding on both parties. In cases of cancellation, we will keep the deposit. In cases of cancellation, changes at short notice or premature departure, we may pass on the loss arising to you. We therefore recommend that when booking you take out travel insurance (within 14 days after receiving the booking confirmation). Sickness, accidents or other undesired events, including those within the family, may occur unexpectedly.
In the event of cancellation, we will make every effort to obtain a replacement booking. If the booked holiday apartment cannot be hired out elsewhere during the booked period, we are entitled to demand the price, deducting costs saved and hiring out elsewhere. Flat rate compensation is 90% of the contracted price for overnight stays. Cancellations up to 3 weeks before arrival are free. Guests are entitled to demonstrate a lower level of damages, we as the landlords are entitled to demonstrate a higher. - Damages
We request that you inform us immediately of any damages to a guest or deficiencies in our service. Irrespective of the statutory liability for bringing in the guest's property, we are only liable for damage to property if there is evidence of intent or gross negligence. - Arrival
Please let us know your time of arrival or give us your approximate time of arrival when en route. The preferred time for arrivals is at 12.00a.m. and later. Departures should take place until 10.00 a.m. - Payment
We request payment for all services by the time of arrival. We accept payments per bank transfer before arrival, EC debit cards with PIN, VISA and Mastercard credit cards or cash payments. There is a legal right of lien, in cases of inability to pay, on guest's property brought in. We are sorry, but we are unable to accept credit cards. We ask for your understanding. - Place of jurisdiction
Place of jurisdiction and place of performance shall be Kempten.